A dirty mouth will kill romance

Apr 29, 2011

MANY things can kill a romantic moment and hygiene is one of them. If you have a lover you intend to offer yourself to, you should never be dirty.

By Vicky Wandawa

MANY things can kill a romantic moment and hygiene is one of them. If you have a lover you intend to offer yourself to, you should never be dirty.

There are places on our bodies that are not so easy to keep clean but they don’t include the head. A lover whose head is dirty does not deserve the honour.

Imagine a slight lingering stroke on the ear, a passionate kiss, a slow stroke through your hair or a deep breath of Beloved’s scent; does any of these rip open the gates to that romantic side of you? These features on your head: hair, eyes, ears, nose and mouth are a priority. Not only are they appealing to look at, but when touched the right way, they explode the bomb in you. It is therefore advisable that a great level of hygiene is maintained for them just as for the rest of the body.

The roles
The mouth is a gateway to sexual arousal through kissing and oral sex. It brings back the instinctive perception of childhood, when all bodily pleasures were received through the mouth.

Amelia Nsimbe, who dispenses sexual advice and is commonly known as a senga, says the nose is an important gateway for arousal. She explains that for women, the nose can turn you on or off depending on a partner’s smell.

Everybody has a distinct body odour, which is more pronounced during and after sexual intercourse. Some people can even detect the smell of their partner’s sweat for purposes of romance. This is not a problem if both partners are clean prior to intercourse. The partner who is not clean before, will emit a foul, turn-off smell.

The hair, she continues, is the magic trick for a number of men, “particularly when its soft and they can easily run their hands through it,” she says

The ears are a sensitive region for arousal for some people, when caressed or kissed. The eyes too are a big asset. Not only is looking deeply into each other’s eyes a turn on, but the condition of the eyes (closed, or half-closed) reflect the level of intimacy.

However, these assets can be handcuffed by poor hygiene, bad odour and carelessness. Nsimbe advises that both partners ensure good hygiene by taking full baths, using scented soaps and perfumes.

Hilda Lominda, a hairdresser at Hair Pot Beauty Centre, says hair hygiene is mostly disregarded by women. “Women apply numerous oils to their hair and when they combine with sweat owing to our hot environment, it smells bad, unless it is washed every three to seven days,” she advises.

She warns that a man may shy away from letting his partner know that her hair carries a bad odour, so it is up to the woman to ensure she keeps it clean. “What do you expect when you keep braids for a whole month without washing them? They will smell although you might not notice it!” Lominda warns.

Nsimbe also asks lovers to clean their eyes, noses and ears as well. “You don’t want your partner to reach out for your ear canal with their tongue, only to taste bitter wax! Do not let the wax collect where it shouldn’t.”

The biggest centre of attraction and repulsion is the mouth. Kissing involves the exchange of saliva and in love and passion, it is right up there with sex, as the highest expression of love. Yet it can be one of the biggest turn-offs especially with bad breath.

Dr Richard Byaruhanga, an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist at Mulago Hospital, notes that kissing is safe if lovers have good immunity. However, the saliva can contain viruses like Hepatitis B and Human Papiloma Virus (HPV) which may be transmitted from one person to another. But he adds that the risk is extremely rare.

Byarugaba explains that transmission of infection through kissing is heightened if lovers have open wounds or sores. He notes that HPV can cause warts on the tongue, on the mouth palate, as well as on the larynx or voice box. Other infections from kissing include common cold and cough.

Sheila Wolf, a dentist in San Diego, US, adds that gum disease can be contracted through kissing.

Oral sex, the stimulation of the genitalia by the use of the mouth, tongue or teeth, can also spread infection if your immunity is low or your partner has high doses of infection.

Oral Herpes, which is caused by the herpes simplex virus, can be spread through direct contact with the virus when kissing.

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