Ask the doctor:

Jul 01, 2011

<b>Do I have HIV in my body?</b><br>Dear Dr,<br>I tested negative for HIV, but I have itching in my privates. I was told I have candida, an STD and pus cell. I have received treatment on three occassions at three different clinics, but I still have the symptoms. Is it HIV? <br>BSN

Do I have HIV in my body?
Dear Dr,
I tested negative for HIV, but I have itching in my privates. I was told I have candida, an STD and pus cell. I have received treatment on three occassions at three different clinics, but I still have the symptoms. Is it HIV?

Dear BSN,
Since you tested negative for HIV, I am confident you are negative.
Itching in your privates may be caused by candida alone. It is a fungus on our skins. It may overgrow causing symptoms. When it does, women get itching, and a white, spoilt milk-like discharge.

Candida is easily cured. But, it can come back. Taking too many antibiotics, uncontrolled HIV and diabetes make it persist.
‘Pus cells’ most likely indicate a urinary tract Infection. This is also easily treated.

Choose one doctor and tell them the full story. Take the suggested treatment. If there is no response, return to the doctor. When you go to another doctor, you may get new treatment that does not take into account earlier treatment.

I got treatment for syphillis, but still sick
Dear Dr,
Three months ago, I got a discharge. At a clinic, I was diagnosed with candida and syphillis. I got treatment (four injections, one per week), but I still get itching, wounds that come and go and a discharge. I am confused.

Dear Anita,
Syphilis is an STD, diagnosed with a blood test. This disease is curable.

Your test for syphilis was positive and it was treated (the injections).
You also had candida, a fungus that stays on the skin. It overgrows some times, causing symptoms. Its symptoms include itching, scratching leading to wounds, discharge, which is like pounded raw cassava.

Candida can be treated. But, it can come back. Sometimes it will not go until an underlying condition causing it is controlled.

The syphilis was treated. It is likely that it is candida disturbing you. Either it was not treated well or it has come back. See a doctor to make a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Questions answered by
Dr. Paul Semugoma

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