Relatively speaking

Jul 22, 2011

<b>Lessons you should look for </b><br>Since almost everyone will suffer heartbreak at one point or another in their lives, HILARY BANEMIGIHSA, a trained counsellor, advises on how and what you can learn from it

Lessons you should look for
Since almost everyone will suffer heartbreak at one point or another in their lives, HILARY BANEMIGIHSA, a trained counsellor, advises on how and what you can learn from it

It is so painful, yet you cannot give up on love. Carefully evaluate why the love failed by looking for your contribution to its demise. See how you can perform better next time.

Were you too proud, too money minded or too selfish, too needy, too desperate, or too trusting? Did you choose wrongly,

ignore the crack signs or abet the problems?
You should also avoid being the cause of such pain to someone else, someone who chose to love you and sacrifice everything for you. Love has its ups and downs but even when you are grappling with the downs, remember the ups you had and, if you must leave, do it in a decent, gentle manner.

Learn that in life there’s nothing too healthy to die. Therefore, live each day in your relationship as if it can end any time.

That way you try to avoid this unfortunate end.

You will value the importance of time which we always tend to ignore. You may discover that you should have taken more time to understand your partner, that there are times in the relationship you could have maximized and you did not and also that with time, your pain heals. Time is the supreme healer of heart- break, however serious.

It is important you don’t lose self-esteem. Mistakes could have been made but the problem is not you. It is the person who broke your heart. You are better, they did not deserve you and now you are free to find that person who will love you better.

If babies gave up the first time they fell, nobody would manage to stand upright. It is not falling that is bad but failing to rise up and try again.

When a door closes, a window opens somewhere. Now the world is yours to conquer and your next partner will get a better you because they will harvest from the rich experience contributed to by the ex who preferred to groom you as a lover and then hand you over to someone else.

Anyone can and will break your heart. Offer it to only those for whom you can hurt. Not everybody deserved your heart.

Some things are better left to yourself or a few trusted individuals. If you tell everyone you know about your situation, some may sympathise but others will go and make you fodder for all sorts of ridiculous gossip. Learn to keep some stuff to yourself.

If you react by indulging in alcohol, drugs, revenge or any negative emotion, you will have showed the person who left you what a right decision they made because you cannot handle your emotions.

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