Market Guide: Matooke prices continue to ease

Jul 26, 2011

<b>Matooke</b><br>The supply of matooke in Kampala markets continued to increase. Matooke traders in Nakawa, Owino and Kibuye markets noted that the increased supply had caused a major reduction

The supply of matooke in Kampala markets continued to increase. Matooke traders in Nakawa, Owino and Kibuye markets noted that the increased supply had caused a major reduction in the price per bunch.

In Owino market, the big bunch of matooke that previously cost sh25,000 reduced to sh20,000. The small bunch was selling at sh6,000-8,000 down from the previous sh1,5000-sh12,000.

Sweet potatoes
The supply of sweet potatoes increased in the market. By end of week, in Owino, Kibuye, Nakawa and Kalerwe markets, the number of sweet potatoes per every sh1,000 sale had increased from just five small pieces to seven of mixed sizes. For sh2,000, one could get about seven medium-sized sweet potatoes. The same amount could recently purchase only five medium-sized sweet potatoes.

The price of pineapples continued to go down throughout July. The price that was reported to have gone down by an average of sh300 to sh500 last month has further gone down by an average price of sh500 to sh1,000. By July 21, the price of big pineapples that previously sold at sh2,000 in Nakawa, Nakasero and Kibuye markets dropped to sh1,500.

In Owino and Kalerwe markets, the big sized pineapple dropped to sh1,000 from sh1,500 during June. The size that previously sold at sh1,500 in a Nakasero, Nakawa and Kibuye markets reduced to sh1,000.

In Owino and Kalerwe markets, the same size was selling at between sh800 to sh700 from the previous sh1,000. In Owino and Kalerwe markets, a medium-sized pineapple that previously sold at sh1,000 to sh7,00 was selling at sh500.

The price of watermelons continued to soar in Kampala markets by the end last week. The low supply of watermelons resulting from the out season has increased the price of water melons per sale by sh500-sh4,000. In Owino, Kalerwe and Kibuye markets the medium-sized melons were selling at shs5,000 up from between sh2,000-sh1500 two months back.

The small watermelons, which previously cost sh500, were selling at sh1,000. In Nakasero, and Nakawa the big water melons were selling at sh10,000 up from between sh5,000 to 7,000.

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