Check high blood pressure with rock salt

Sep 18, 2011

YES, salt is essential for our body. There are two kinds of salt; rock (unprocessed) and processed (table salt).

By Viqué-Ocean Kahinju

YES, salt is essential for our body. There are two kinds of salt; rock (unprocessed) and processed (table salt).

Rock salt is in its natural state, while table salt has undergone chemical alteration, with elements such as iodine and aluminum silicate added to it to keep it fine and porous.

“Rock salt, also locally known as kisula has major health benefits other than regulating the body’s water content,” Deogratious Ndyomugyenyi, a nutritionist, says.

Rock salt contains natural iodine found in water bodies and soil. Although iodine checks goitre (a disease of the thyroid gland), our bodies require it in small quantities.

Rock salt checks high blood pressure. This is because it is rich in minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium and copper.

“These minerals are essential for one’s well-being,” Mansoor Khan, a nutritionist at Indian Natural remedies Centre in Kampala, explains.

Rock salt is known to increase immunity, stabilise heartbeats, check respiratory ailments such as asthma, sinusitis and colds. However, the right balance of water and salt should be consumed.

“Taking more salt than water triggers high sodium associated symptoms, such as body swelling, puffy eyes and dehydration,” Khan warns.

He emphasises the importance of being sure of the place where you buy your rock salt and the source where it was mined because most water bodies are polluted.

Rock salt can be added to foods like beans or ghee.

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