Today in History; November 11, 1961

Nov 09, 2011

Four teachers were recruited from Britain to teach Higher School Certificate classes in the Aga Khan Secondary School. This was stated by the Senior Education Officer, T. A. K. Makumbi.

Four teachers were recruited from Britain to teach Higher School Certificate classes in the Aga Khan Secondary School. This was stated by the Senior Education Officer, T. A. K. Makumbi. 
Makumbi said that he, the headmaster of Aga Khan Education Department personally visited Britain to interview the many applicants for the four posts. He said interviews were carried on out in London, Edinburg and Sheffield. Then, a final offer to those who had been considered suitable was made.
 He commented that they were all good and it was a question of who to take, according to the subject needs of the school. The selected applicants arrived the following year to teach English, Mathematics and Science in Higher School Certificate classes for the first time in Uganda.
Did you know?

In March 1961, elections to the Uganda Legislative Council were held. However only 35,000 names out of an estimated 1,000,000 voters from Buganda were enrolled. DP won 19 seats from Buganda and 20 from other areas of Uganda. As a result DP leader, Benedicto Kiwanuka, became Chief Minister and leader of Government Business in the Uganda Legislative Council. 

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