Can you spot these Makerere Mass Comm alumni?

Oct 02, 2019

Which of these former Mass Communication students can you pick out?


Makerere University's Department of Journalism and Communication last week celebrated 30 years since its establishment. The celebrations were marked with a dinner, which was meant to fundraise for the development of the department. The function attracted hundreds of alumni, dons, media practitioners and managers.

Sticking to this theme, we have dug through our archives and found some pictures of alumni of the 1988, 1989 and 1990 classes.

Were you a part of one these classes?

Can you identify any one of the individuals in the photos? Or are you in one of them?

Let us know or tag any individual that you can spot using our official social media platforms - Twitter or Facebook (clickable).



  (Photos by Jimmy Kiberu and John Bosco Wasswa)

Turning back the hands of time

The ladies league. Do you know any?

Where are they now?


Chilling by the waters

Settling down for a bite

Know any one of them?

 Back in the day



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