Corruption, an economic calculation

Oct 29, 2018

Their method of work and art in accumulating wealth for their own welfare is to grab, to confiscate, to rob, to snatch and own those assets by all means

By Kajabago-ka-Rusoke

A lot is being said about corruption in Uganda.

Corruption is an economic calculation and design on the part of either an individual or, individuals, to enrich themselves by and, through, relating themselves to either, property or, wealth, which does not belong to them but with the whole intention of possessing it against those to whom it really belongs and fundamentally deserve its ownership.

To these calculators and designers, the harm that is inflicted on those who deserve and entitled to the ownership of the same in order to satisfy their own economic and social wants, does not matter.  Their method of work and art in accumulating wealth for their own welfare is to grab, to confiscate, to rob, to snatch and own those assets by all means. 

They do not behave like this with courage to show anybody that what they are doing would be either pleasing or justified.  It is a big secret. In other words and, in short, they are thieves.  That is its economic aspect.  But there is also the moral, ethical and spiritual part of it. 

Morally, ethically, spiritually, they are wrong people.  This behaviour is found in institutions like business enterprises, academic institutions, churches and mosques (religious establishments), banks, government. 


  • Insatiability - lack of being satisfied with what one receives according to the type and amount of work he or she performs.
  • Money or property fetishism - worshiping of property and money thinking they are most important in life.
  • Greed.
  • Lack of simplicity, modesty, humility. 

Under a colonial economic system:   

  • There is grabbing of other people's territories with all their assets.
  • Looting is constant until the rise of a National Liberation Movement leading to sovereignty of a colony. 

Uganda's oath for independence:

  • That colonialism is a wrong social arrangement for Uganda.
  • That being independent of colonisation shall mean non-exploitation of the people of Uganda as they shall be administered by those who have taken power to offer welfare for all Ugandans. 

Uganda's class analysis:

  • Peasant
  • Wage-earners in a variety of economic units.
  • Intelligentsia 

Uganda's nature of the economic base:

  • Land - fundamental object of labour.
  • Extractive sectors:

                -    Oil fields

    • Minerals
    • Plantations
    • Ranches
    • Fisheries
    • Forests.
  • Manufacture:
    • Factories
    • Plants.
  • Distribution:
    • Forwarding and warehouses
    • Transport
    • Shops
    • Hotels, bars, restaurants.
  • Exchange: - Banks 


  • Much of the economic base is founded on the system of private enterprise.
  • Nature of Private ownership:
    • Foreign-owned enterprises
    • Indigenous-owned enterprises
    • Mixed, i.e. Indigenous and Foreign combined enterprise/units. 

Private ownership need for wise scrutiny:

  • Private ownership should be looked at and handled wisely enough.  It is personal property in a homestead and, two, private property in the economic means of production characterizing an economic base of a body politic or society.
  • The survival of a homestead depends fundamentally on a plot of land on which items for consumption by members of a family like, house, furniture, TV, radio, food and clothing are all seated, laid and, found.
  • Private property in a country's economic base made up of a variety of economic units is meant for commercial business.  This is different from personal property in a homestead. 

 Why and how?

  • Personal property in a homestead is for direct consumption by the owners and occupants of the very homestead whereas private property in an economic business and commercial unit in the economic base is for trade, commerce, and profit-making to the advantage of those few and who employ many others to do business for them for profit making.
  • Doing commercial business is very good for society but what matters again in addition to their social contribution is how they get profits.
  • In each and every economic unit, machines and raw materials put together do not produce profit.  Those are fixed assets which are finally embodied and incarnated in the bodies of final products for consumption at the end of an economic process of production.  Profit comes from a number of hours spent by workers in doing work which is never paid for.  That is profit.
  • Ownership of a business enterprise is by an individual or a few individuals.
  • Production is by majority and, yet, selling is by an individual or a few individuals excluding the majority who physically produce the very items which bring profits. 

Universal nature of moral standards of corruption and the necessary remedies:

On Homesteads:

  • No homestead should employ anybody without pay.
  • No homestead should grab any piece of land of another homestead. 

On land ownership:

  • Land is a gift from nature.
  • Every homestead should be entitled to ownership of a piece of land that can satisfy the numerical strength of the respective family seated on the same.
  • Nobody should claim ownership of any piece of land on which a homestead (family) is seated and, that is followed by no eviction of any family whatsoever.
  • According to the above case nobody should be entitled to demand any pay whatsoever from the family of the homestead occupying that particular piece of land. 

On non-utilised land:

  • Each and every family in Uganda that lacks land for bringing up and sustaining its members, should be offered a reasonable piece of land that should be correctly and proportionally estimated to sustain those members of the family in question.
  • In the event of progressive peasants going in for large-scale production, such peasants should be guided towards formation of cooperative societies intended for overall collective benefit.
  • In the event of large-scale industrial production, empty land should be offered to an industrialist or company for the benefit of a whole country and body politic.  These should be taxed for the benefit of all.
  • Land claimed to be personal property but which was made so by being offered to such persons as a bribe to serve colonial interests above the rest of the colonized people in the country and referred to as "Mile" land but have empty unutilized pieces, the empty land should be liberated in the name of continuous Uganda's National Anti-colonial struggle in favour of those who do not have enough land now.
  • That is how we should deal with the economic base. 

Now, the superstructure:

  • Of all the post-colonial classes, there is need for a revolutionary, pro-people intelligentsia that should hold and possess the state apparatus to put in place and arrange a morally correct society. 


  • There should not be a blunt cry for the need for a middle class considered fundamentally necessary for the country's economic development.  No!  No!  No way!
  • There should be an intelligentsia based on a scientifically guiding theory to apply science in whatever it should be doing to create a new people's society for the benefit of all - men, women, and children.
  • A society that will not allow any type of exploitation of anybody by another on its territory.
  • The cry for a middle class without or, outside, pro-people scientific guidance - full context - shall only result in a breeding ground for national wolves, vultures, hyenas, jackals and bedbugs that shall create and possess private business for personal aggrandisement against society.
  • That is why the intelligentsia part of the state apparatus in Uganda - namely, the civil service and some ministers have been found with thefts and embezzlements.
  • This is a negative struggle on their part to create a Uganda middle class. 

Answers to the above:

Intensify the following in all institutions on the country's territory:

  • Political Economy.
  • Scientific Theory of state and law.
  • History.
  • Philosophy.
  • Arrest all proved wrong cadres.
  • Confiscate all their economic assets.
  • Subject them to compulsory ideological attendance even while in prison and after.
  • Music, poetry
  • Drama
  • Art
  • Drawing                                      
  • Painting
  • Sculpture
  • Newspaper
  • Radio
  • T.V.
  • You cannot create an ideal people's society without a properly oriented pro-people type of cadres.
  • Dictate by means of pro-people, state and law otherwise you will be thrown in the dust bin of ideological oblivion by the people themselves.
  • The entire universe is never static.  It constantly operates under the Law of Motion. 

Writer is a Senior Presidential Adviser on Ideology

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