Notice from UNEB

Mar 01, 2018

National assessment of progress in education

Improving learners' reading skills is a key element in the learning process and in enhancing the quality of learning taking place in our schools. The Ministry of Education and Sports adopted the Early Grade Reading (EGR) approach to the teaching of children to read from the Education Development Partners. EGR methodology exposes the learners to the basic skills of reading, which are the foundation for eventual reading comprehension.

Globally, it is reported that the reading skills of learners is devoid of fl uency. Without fl uency in reading, it becomes diffi cult for such learners to comprehend what they read. EGR emphasises five components of reading, namely; alphabetic principle, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, oral passage reading, and comprehension.

Under the Uganda Teacher and School Eff ectiveness Project (UTSEP) of the Ministry of Education and Sports, EGR interventions have been undertaken at the infant class level in many schools.

The Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) was tasked by UTSEP with the responsibility of conducting the EGR corresponding assessment referred to as Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) through its National Assessment of Progress in Education (NAPE). For operational purposes, EGRA by UNEB is referred to as UNEB-EGRA. CLICK HERE FOR MORE ON THIS NOTICE 







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