Signs to confirm your spouse is cheating

Dec 13, 2017

When your spouse is dressing nicer, looking nicer or there is a sudden interest in appearance.

Signs to confirm your spouse is cheating

Cheating, or infidelity, is one of the more challenging problems that can come up in a marriage. In most cases, even when you confront your partner with accusations of cheating, it will be denied or you will be made to feel like the "crazy one." Unless you have hard evidence or irrefutable proof, most will not admit it!  There are many behaviors that are indicative of an affair.

Here are some warning signs that a spouse may be cheating on you:

Your spouse seems bored. Bored with you, with job, with kids, with hobbies, with life in general.

  Your spouse seems to want danger or thrills in his/her life.

  There is considerably less intimacy or connection in your relationship.

  Your sex life is practically non-existent

  Or, there are lot's of new things introduced into sex that were never before

   Your spouse has a low self-esteem

   Your spouse doesn't show any jealousy about you, no matter what you say

   You notice your spouse has a sense of confusion about him or her self

    Your spouse has become lazy, especially around the house

    Your spouse is more negative

    Your spouse becomes more critical of you

    Your spouse seems to be picking fights more often

    You can't get your spouse to communicate with you (stonewalling)

    Your spouse gets very defensive if you mention infidelity or affairs

    Your spouse is suddenly more attentive than usual

    Your mate is working longer hours at work

    Your spouse is dressing nicer, looking nicer or there is a sudden interest in appearance

    You notice charges on credit card statement that don't make sense

    You are aware of different scents of cologne or aftershave lotion on your spouse's clothes

    Your spouse is indifferent to family events like birthdays and holidays

    You find your partner has been lying to you about a variety of things

    Money becomes more of an issue between the two of you

    The words "I love you" are not spoken by your spouse any longer

    He/she doesn't want to go anywhere or do anything with you anymore

    You can't even get your mate to fight with you

    You feel as if you are being avoided

    Your partner abandons religious faith

    Your spouse seems more secretive

    You discover lipstick smudge on shirt

    You learn that you have an STD and you have not strayed

    When you ask for reassurance about cheating, you do not feel satisfied with the response

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