My fiancé is my long lost brother

Jul 26, 2017

I took him for the official visit to my paternal aunt as required in our culture. This is when I discovered that we were siblings.

I and my fiancé have been dating for the last 12 years and we now have a daughter of 2 years.

Early this year, we decided to make our relationship official, a date was set and I took him for the official visit to my paternal aunt as required in our culture. This is when I discovered that we were siblings.

I couldn't believe that the man I loved so much and father of my daughter turned out to be my big brother whom my family has been searching for a long time.

My aunt also said before my father died, he had name him his heir.

We are so confused about the whole situation and not willing to let go of each other.

What is so hurting is that our introduction and wedding ceremony preparations were in high gear. We had booked for Church and some service providers.

Meanwhile, my fiancé has practically refused to accept arguing that our daughter should be our priority and us living together is the best for her.

Please advice

Monica, Mukono


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