How to prepare yoghurt at home

May 26, 2017

In March and April, a 500ml tin of yoghurt cost sh3000 up from sh2500. Today it costs sh3500.

With the surging price of milk, the price of yoghurt has also gone up.

In March and April, a 500ml tin of yoghurt cost sh3000 up from sh2500. Today it costs sh3500.

However, yoghurt can be prepared at home.

To produce 250ml of yoghurt, a quarter litre of milk is heated to about 180F or 80C and then cooled to approximately 110F or 43C. Once the milk has cooled, a tablespoon of yoghurt is added to the scalded milk and mixed well.  The yoghurt is poured into a container and incubated.

The duration of fermentation depends on the desired texture and tang in the final product.

A shorter period yields a slightly runner product with a mildly sour flavour, while a longer period yields a thicker and tarter yoghurt.

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