Students urged on leadership, entrepreneurial skills

Apr 24, 2017

"Apart from technical skills, you also need to have entrepreneurial skills."

KAMPALA - Members of the national student leadership body UNSA have been told to emulate people with leadership and entrepreneurial skills to enable them get opportunities to create jobs.

Aggrey Kibenge, the Under Secretary finance and administration in the education ministry, told the student body to emulate people like Vision Group CEO Robert Kabushenga as one of the outstanding personalities who has equipped many students and youths with leadership skills.

A former vice chairperson of UNSA in 1988-1988 Makerere University, Kibenge recalled that in September 2015 under Kabushenga's innovations, Vision Group organized a Pakasa forum themed 'How the young can build the success they want'.

The forum gives youth a chance to meet mentors to share and learn from their experiences in business.

Kibenge pointed put that Vision Group has gone beyond being just a media house, organizing many financial strategies which benefit people including organizing the annual Kabaka Birthday Run whose proceeds went to Sickle Cell treatment. Previously, the runs have supported Fistula treatment.

Kibenge and UNSA chairman board of directors Paul Amoro (also Dokolo North MP) presided over the swearing-in ceremony of the newly elected student leaders of the UNSA recently in Kampala.

Kibenge told the student leaders that leadership skills cannot happen within one day, but can be traced back right from the institutions and the achievements one has had.

"Apart from technical skills, you also need to have entrepreneurial skills to have 'spectacles' that can make you see opportunities you can take advantage of."

"As role models, our behavior and how we make others feel is what will determine the kind of character students portray," said Amoro.

The national election of the new UNSA student leaders took place last week in Lira municipality.

Newly UNSA elected leaders

Winfred Nakandi from Kyambogo University was sworn in as the new UNSA president while Sharot Natukunda (Makerere University) became the deputy speaker.

Arnold Asasira (Makerere University Business School) is the new secretary general.

Imran Kasujja of Makerere University (the speaker) and Mackline Asiimwe of MUBS secretary for finance were also sworn in.

Simon Bikara  (Gulu University) represents students for national council for higher education, Vivian Kabasinga (Ndejje University) became the secretary for international affairs while Emily Atuhaire (Gulu University) became secretary for women affairs. 


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