Divisiveness of Rev. Fr. Jacinto Kibuuka and the reaction of the Catholic Church

Aug 05, 2016

Msgr Katende seems to imply that only those persons under the jurisdiction of Rome can have a claim upon the term ‘CATHOLIC’. This is common but faulty assumption.

By Archbishop Leonard Lubega Ph.D

I read the Article written by Msgr John Waynand Katende, who is the spokesperson of the

Archdiocese of Kampala in one local newspaper dated Wednesday 27-28, 2016 claiming that the Roman Catholicism is the only true Christian church founded by Jesus Christ.

Msgr Katende seems to imply that only those persons under the jurisdiction of Rome can have a claim upon the term ‘CATHOLIC'. This is common but faulty assumption.
The term Catholic from Greek refers to the faith established and professed by either individuals or church.

From the earliest time in the church, not even a single Christian was under the jurisdiction of Rome. In fact, the vast majority of Christians were under the four other patriarchates located at Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria and Byzantine later called Constantinople and presently known as Istanbul, all of which were founded before Rome. All these Christians were recognised as professing the entire Catholic faith and thus were Catholics in the truest sense. It was after 1054 AD ( great schism) between West and East that we see confusion of the term ‘Catholic' of which the Christians of the Eastern Churches chose to use the designation ‘Orthodox' from Greek (Right Belief) and those of the west used the term Catholic from Greek (Universal)

The Religion Jesus established was known by its common tittle ‘Christianity' so,  it is not prudent enough for Msgr John Waynand Katende to state that " Today there are over 40,000 different churches claiming a Christian identity". These are not claiming Christian identity, but they are indeed Christians- followers of Jesus Christ.

Early Christian writings prove that disciples were the first to be called Christians (Acts 11:26) This is the first established church in the Christianity gathering that converted Jews and Gentiles in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ecclesiastical history and holy traditions tell us that St. Peter the Apostle was the first official Bishop to establish the church of Antioch (+37AD) later on the bishopric of Antioch was recognised in the ecumenical council of Nicea (+325 AD) as one of the Patriarchates of Christendom (along with that of Alexandria and the later on Rome) This implies that Rome before 325 A.D was not recognised at all.

The Episcopal letter from the Greek Orthodox Church, which was sent to Pope Francis I was accusing him of heresy and asking Rome to renounce its satanic pride (Vatican insider world news June 8, 2014). In the statement released SSPX the traditional Roman Catholic group commonly known as Lefrebreans indicates that "painful confusion" currently exists within the Roman Catholic Church is "a large number of pastors, including the Pope himself" are responsible for doctrinal errors in teaching. The SSPX believe that the "cult of man" has replaced the worship of God.

  The question here arises whether there is an easy resolution to the conflicting claims of which true Religion /Church did Jesus establish? According to the laid information, it is not true to claim that Roman Catholic Church (though with majority followers) is the only true church established by Jesus; as many Popes are seen to be under schism by the orthodox theologians.

To start a schism or to be in schism from unity of Christ is considered sacrilege -a most grievous sin (St. Augustine, Contra Cresconium,11.15) Schism has been and will continue to exist as long as church leaders (Popes, Cardinals, Archbishops, bishops, priests, Deacons and others) are not exemplary to the true teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus Himself is seen to have caused the first schism from His own Religion ‘JUADAISM' because of the injustices and bad dogmas imposed on the people by the Jewish Rabbais. Today, Many religious leaders are seen struggling for political power (imperialist power), including the concept of Papal Infallibility, which are considered a misguided and false dogma for man has free will given by God; money, pride and cultural issues, the influence of the Church in state affairs shocks the public and many clergy because Christ Himself said: "Hence give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's."Definitely, clergy and other people will not keep quite as they see things going astray they will break away and found churches of the people, for the people and by the people who have the same one, catholic and apostolic faith, but differing from the Romans.

Finally, to be a catholic does not need one to be a Roman Catholic. Roman Catholic Church is part of one, holy, catholic and apostolic church headed by the Pope who is also the bishop of Rome. They are several other branches of the Catholic Church that are not Romans.

The writer is the Brazilian Catholic Apostolic Church


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