How women have built Maurice

Aug 03, 2016

The singer waged a legendary performance and his funs mostly 'women and girls were left with no option but to sing, weep, hug, and scream.

There's a saying that 'If a man in life in everything he does considers women first or centres around them, he becomes successful ‘just because they are loyal.

This is what happened at Maurice Kirya's recent concert at the Kampala Serena Hotel dubbed 'Maurice Kirya Live 2016'.

The singer waged a legendary performance and his funs mostly 'women and girls were left with no option but to sing, weep, hug, and scream.

They held placards in praise of the singer, some even asked him to be the President of their lonely and once broken hearts.

Couples separated for the hours he spent on stage performing and men lost their dates, wives, and better halves to the enormous talented singer's voice.

The singer put up a memorable performance that left the ladies ‘bare footed.

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