Parents have sex in presence of their children - survey

May 17, 2016

The shock came when the commissioner for culture and family affairs, at the ministry of Gender, Labor and Social Development (MoGLSD), Juliana Naumo, revealed that as part of the celebrations, they carried out a family survey on issues affecting parenting.

As parents gathered at the Uganda National Cultural Center (UNCC) to commemorate the International Day of the family, they were appalled at how lowly their children think of them.

The shock came when the commissioner for culture and family affairs, at the ministry of Gender, Labor and Social Development (MoGLSD), Juliana Naumo, revealed that as part of the celebrations, they carried out a family survey on issues affecting parenting.

"The complaints against the parents were overwhelming. Most of the children interviewed revealed that parents do not lead by example. They commit adultery, smoke, take alcohol, yet do not want them to do the same," she said.

 irector ender and ommunity evelopment ane anyu pagi addresses the congregation during the commemoration of the nternational ay of the amily at the ganda ultural entre ampala on ay 15 2016 Director Gender and Community Development, Jane Sanyu Mpagi addresses the congregation during the commemoration of the International Day of the Family at the Uganda Cultural Centre Kampala on May 15, 2016.

She mentioned that the children, who were majorly 11 years and above, said that their parents have become negligent, dress indecently, have delegated their responsibility to maids, have sex in their presence and have become very immoral.

Other complaints the children raised were that the parents do not know how to communicate and instead dictate orders for them to follow; they are rude in case of mistakes and watch immoral movies in their presence.

Naumo also pointed out single parenting, divorce, poverty, gender based violence, joblessness and HIV/AIDs as some of the reasons that have led to poor parenting.

This prompted the parents who had filled up the UNCC auditorium to nod, both in shame and in agreement with the accusations. They then decided to brain-storm ideas on how to improve on their parenting skills.

Makerere University Professor of anatomy and a father of seven children, Samuel Luboga, in his presentation on positive parenting, gave parents tips on how to parent positively, saying that the core issues in positive parenting is provision of basic needs and love.

He stated that parents need to show love to each other in the presence of their children, such that they (the children) can develop a sense of security and appreciation.

 rof ev amuel  uboga addresses the congregation during the commemoration of the nternational ay of the amily at he ganda ultural entre ampala on ay 15 2016 Prof. Rev. Samuel A. Luboga addresses the congregation during the commemoration of the International Day of the Family at The Uganda Cultural Centre Kampala on May 15, 2016.


"Fighting and yelling at each other will only create insecurity, scare the children and turn them later in life, into violent adults," he said.

Luboga who is also a medical doctor advised parents to respect their children, consult them for advise, play and involve them in their work, communicate instead of lecturing children, celebrate their success and show affection.

He said that by doing this, the children will develop self-esteem, respect for themselves and others, trust and will grow into responsible adults.

Micheal Byamukama, a social worker, told the parents to, instead of threatening children against joining social networks like Facebook, equip them on how to use the new technology well.

He said that instead of shunning and labelling the new technology as bad, parents need to sign up for accounts on the social sites, be friend their children and monitor their (children's) activities online.

  mother explains to her children what the nternational ay of the amily means during the ommemoration of the nternational ay of the amily at he ganda ultural entre ampala on ay 15 2016 A mother explains to her children what the International Day of the Family means during the Commemoration of the International Day of the Family at The Uganda Cultural Centre Kampala on May 15, 2016.

The director gender and community development, Jane Sanyu Mpagi, said that parents need to focus on the calibre of the children they are bringing up so as to ensure that there is sustainability in the future.

"A nation is as strong as the nature of her children. Focus on the calibre of your children because they are the future," she said.

Kamanda Bataringaya, the state minister of labour, said that parenting is the responsibility of not only individual parents but also the community and religious leaders.

  mother with her child during the commemoration of the nternational ay of amily A mother with her child during the commemoration of the International Day of Family

He said that government is to set up a policy and guideline on positive parenting in order to help curb moral degeneration and help guide parents on how to nurture their children.

The International Day of the family is celebrated in May 15, of every year and Uganda joined the rest of the world in 1994 to commemorate it. It was celebrated under the theme, 'positive parenting, a key to the wellbeing of children and the youths'.

 tate inister of abor and ndustrial elations amanda ataringaya center with parents and children during the ommemoration of the nternational ay of family State Minister of Labor and Industrial Relations, Kamanda Bataringaya (center) with parents and children during the Commemoration of the International Day of family


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