How to keep a girl interested

Apr 24, 2016

You can earn a girl's trust and respect by establishing yourself as a fun, kind, and reliable person. Below you'll find some tips on how to prove you're worth keeping around.

Catching a girl's eye is only the first step to a relationship: now you have to keep her interested.

You can earn a girl's trust and respect by establishing yourself as a fun, kind, and reliable person. Below you'll find some tips on how to prove you're worth keeping around.

Be adventurous. The rock boy, the cowboy, the surfer. While she might not be outright looking for an adventurous guy, she certainly won't say no to someone who's willing to try new things and keep her life (and his) exciting. When all you do is sit on the couch, it gets hard to keep interest. You won't be interested in yourself and she'll become less interested in you. Solve this by getting out and enjoying your life.

Pursue what she enjoys. She has things that she cares about. When you show her that you care about these things too and that you're willing to work to help her pursue that part of her life, she'll be really impressed. She wants to stay with someone who can understand her in that way and that she knows she can count on for support.

Take on challenges together. Taking on challenges together will certainly make your lives more interesting, but it will also help you feel closer together and increase your confidence in each other. Taking on challenges together is actually one of the most effective ways of building strong feelings between two people.

Learn together. Learning together can be a great way to keep things interesting. This will not only engage your brains (together!) but it will also give you more things to talk about and chances to bond. There are lots of different ways that you can learn together and many are free. By choosing a subject that you're both interested in, you also ensure that it's fun.

Never let things become routine. One of the worst things you can do for a relationship, whether it's friendship or romantic, is to let things become routine. Eating at the same restaurant, on the same day, and going to the same stores in the mall every weekend gets boring. She'll lose interest. Instead, keep routine out of everything in your relationship, from dates to sex.

Source: Online

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