Can the US really educate the world on ethics?

Feb 22, 2016

This is why in history, ethics has been changing from one period to another according to how one economic system replaces another.

By Kajanbago - Ka - Rusoke

What sort of leaders are those in the US? They are all capitalists at the level of imperialism, a lower phase of colonialism. There can never be such a thing as ethics which does not emanate from an economic system.

This is why in history, ethics has been changing from one period to another according to how one economic system replaces another. Each economic system has its own economic law that governs it and leads people towards behaving the way they behave to each other due to how they are related to labour and national property. That is why slaves and slave - maids will not love masters. Tenants who pay rent to the landlords will never be true friends to the landlords. Capital is a class - relation between workers and capitalists who do not trust each other. Colonists and colonialists end up through a national liberation movement putting an end to colonial rule.

These states which are united and referred to as the United States of America (USA) were British colonies. The country sprang from 13 former colonies which proclaimed independence from Britain in 1777. The population that united to demand independence from Britain was made up of business settlers from Europe, especially Britain, who were engaged in farming and agriculture using slave - labor.

The history of society can be best understood through tackling the class nature of economic systems. Colonialism is by a capitalist class. The British capitalist class colonised the states that call themselves." United States of America" today.

While the British capitalist class colonised these territories, some of the occupants of these territories were natives while others came as richer settlers from Europe who confiscated land from the natives of the American continent itself, plus importing Africans whom they had bought from African chiefs in West Africa and whom they turned into slaves and slave - maids.

The conflict that led to independence arose from successful property accumulation by the settlers vis-à-vis determination by the British capitalist colonising class that was taxing the incomes of the growing rich settlers in the colonies.

The settlers, therefore, finally categorically sent a strong socio - economic message to the British capitalist ruling class that there shall not be taxation from the settlers without their being represented in a law-making organ (Parliament) of a state apparatus in the hands of a colonising capitalist class of Britain. This led to a seven years' war between the slave - owning settlers class and the British capitalist colonising class. This is the basis of the preamble of the USA constitution on July 4, 1777 in Philadelphia which runs a follows:

"We hold these truths to be self - evident, that all men are created equal and, endowed with such inalienable rights like life, liberty and, the pursuit of happiness"

When they are saying that all men are created equal, the slaves and slave - maids in those colonies are not included in the category of men and women created equal, This is self - explanatory looking at the delegation in Philadelphia of 55 delegates demanding the independence of the thirteen colonies which was as follows:

§     26 merchants, 15 slave - owners and 14 financiers.

After seven years war the colonies became independent of the British capitalist ruling class.

The point to note here is that the settler wolf rejected the colonial tiger. The British capitalist class continued colonizing other world areas while the united former colonies settler class continued exploiting natives, slaves and slave - maids in the new independent United States.

Later a civil war took place, slavery was eventually abolished and capitalism superseded the entire economic base of the Unite former British colonies - U.S.A

Ethics under slave - owning is worse than Ethics under capitalism but neither does Ethics under capitalism provide an answer for a needed type of spiritual life for all people on a given territory where it is being practiced. Because of that the descendants of slaves are subjected to a very poor economic life. Because of that again the descendants of former masters still hold the state apparatus in their own hands above the descendants of former slaves and use colour or race to discriminate them in the economic base and superstructure especially in the state apparatus. Today they have allowed a half cast to be President not because they are trying to be economically fair to the black population.  

v     NO. First of all this half cast President is not even a descendant of their former slaves. He has been picked from a white lady who produced him from a Kenyan black man and is being used to psychologically appease descendants of former black slaves that they also have a share in the state apparatus of the descendants of former masters. After all this half cast President is part of the capitalist class in whose hands is the state apparatus against descendants of former slaves. For example, one organ of the state apparatus, the police, is predominantly made up of descendants of former masters and is highly hostile to the descendants of the former slaves. The Police is made up of people who are not educated. But this is because the entire ruling capitalist class of the U.SA. is not educated.

The internal life of the U.S.A is characterized by:

v     Unemployment, racial discrimination, possession of guns in homesteads, regular suicide cases, homosexuality. The whole domestic image is very ugly.

v     Come to the external image:

(i)     They confiscate 44 square miles from Cuba.

(ii)     Removed a Head of state in Panama.

(iii)      Undermined Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana.

(iv)     Patrice Lumumba of Democratic Republic of Congo.

(v)      Listed Nelson Mandala as a terrorist.

(vi)      Killed Saddam Hussein of Iraq.

(vii)      Gadaffi of Libya.

(viii)      Now looting Oil in Libya and Iraq.

(ix)      Occupying Afghanistan.

(x)      Undermined Dr. Jagan in Guyana.

(xi)      Killed Dr. Allende in chile.

(xii)      Killed Martin. Luther King fighter for blacks in U.S.A.

(xiii)     Supports Zionism in the Middle East.

(xiv)     Disturbing peace in the whole of the Middle East.

The whole world is in turmoil because of the U.S.A, head of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a global axis of evil.

v     The whole world was saved from Adolf Hitler when ,on 2nd of May, 1945, the flag of the Union of Soviet of socialist Republics was raised in Berlin after Adolf Hitler had committed suicide on 30th April 1945. It is time now to look for a solution as to how the U.S.A Hiltler style can be eliminated from the globe. That will be the answer to the need for global hu- man - hu - woman peace and friendship.

The writer is a lecturer at the National Leadership Institute, Kyankwanzi

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