Topping up airtime while abroad just got easier
Aug 05, 2015
The world is now a global village, with such cross-border mobility that requires better communication between friends, family and businesses.
By Vision Reporter
The world is now a global village, with such cross-border mobility that requires better communication between friends, family and businesses.
Whereas, prepaid mobile phones enable us to keep within reach all the time, there is a gap when it comes to sending airtime to other countries or topping up international mobile phones while roaming in Uganda.
However, International Air Time Top Up has been bridging this gap since March 2015.
The service allows consumers and businesses from Uganda to instantly send airtime directly to any mobile phone in the East African Community and in over 100 countries.
"We believe it is going to be a popular alternative for people who like sending small amounts of airtime from Uganda to friends, family and colleagues back home" said Lawrence Zikusoka of Global ICT Solutions East Africa Limited.
A Rwandan, Kenyan, Sudanese or Pakistani living or working in Uganda can easily buy airtime for family back home. It can also be utilised by Ugandans who have family living outside Uganda, for instance a son studying in USA, Turkey or Malaysia.
One can buy airtime as a gift for loved ones across 250 mobile networks from the list of available countries on the website at selected ATM and Point of Sale locations including, Entebbe International Airport, forex bureaus, hotels, restaurants, coffee shops, supermarkets and shopping malls initially in Entebbe and Kampala.
There are plans to extend the service and to increase access through International Airtime Top Up Cards and other payment options including, VISA and MasterCard.
International Airtime Top Up service is ideal for tourists and visitors to Uganda while roaming, who can now easily top up their international mobile phone across all the major networks worldwide, so there is no more need to get a Uganda local SIM card if one is in-country for a week or two.
Zikusoka explained that customers do not need to register to use the service either and there is no transfer fee or transaction cost to the user."