Can pre-mature ejaculation cause pregnancy?

Feb 21, 2013

Can pre-ejaculate make a woman pregnant? Secondly, my boyfriend withdraws before ejaculating, but how safe is this method. Can’t one get pregnant?

Dear Doctor,
Can pre-ejaculate make a woman pregnant? Secondly, my boyfriend withdraws before ejaculating, but how safe is this method. Can’t one get pregnant?

Dear Charlotte,
It is possible for one to get pregnant if her partner uses the withdrawal or coitus interruptus method.
Pre-ejaculation fluid may contain sperm in some men. This issue has been debated for a long time among medical professionals. But it is possible for a woman to get pregnant even when ejaculation does not occur within the vagina.

Removal of the penis before ejaculation is unreliable. In fact, if you are trying to prevent pregnancy, choose a more reliable type of birth control.

If you are not sure which type of birth control is best for you, ask a doctor to help you understand the options.

Acidic environments are hostile to sperm and the function of pre-ejaculate is to neutralise acidity in  the urethra and create a good environment for sperm survival. The colourless viscous fluid also acts as a lubricant during intercourse.


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