Forget 2011, resolve now to make 2012 work for you

Jan 06, 2012

Congratulations, you have made it to 2012. A friend of mine told me yesterday that she felt special for having made it to 2012. And in a way, I was touched by her humility. We all know somebody or many people who have not made it this far. I am indeed thankful that I have made it thus far.

By Ilonka Naziwa

Congratulations, you have made it to 2012.  A friend of mine told me yesterday that she felt special for having made it to 2012.  And in a way, I was touched by her humility.  We all know somebody or many people who have not made it this far.  I am indeed thankful that I have made it thus far. 

Right now I am  looking at this  blank  sheet  before me  and I am wondering  what to  tell you.  It is not a case of being short on ideas, it is more the case of having all these ideas, inspirations, dreams, revelations that I would like to write about, but they are squashed into this one big fire ball burning delightfully within in me.

Yes, I am excited about 2012, I cannot make head or tail of it all yet.  One thing I do  know  for  sure is that  2012 is no  simple year,  I have this  deep rooted  conviction that  2012 is  somewhat going to offer great things, not  just because 12 is a special number  for  me ( I was born on the 12th day of the month)

The year 2011 was a difficult year globally.  The uprisings in the Middle East, the fall of leaders, the needless death of humanity  and  the displacement of others because of these uprisings, the threat of breaking  economies, the realisation that  brutal slavery  is actually not a thing of the past.  

Then closer to home,  the Walk to Work chaos,  ridiculously  high inflation,  the sugar dilemma, the doubling of call tariffs, the valueless  shilling, the power black-outs, heart wrenching tragedies: a young family of four killed on Jinja Road,  men of God killed along another  highway,  the list of global issues goes on. 

I am also fully aware that there were more personal experiences, heartbreaks, tragedies, personal crises that each one of us faced; moments that back then seemed unbearable. When you put it all together, it is indisputable that 2011 was a difficult year for many.  Therefore if you did have any moments of elation in 2011, do thank God.

Now, I know I have told you about my fascination for all things new, yes I have this penchant for new things.  But this anticipation for 2012 goes deeper than my fondness for new things. Just as 2011 was a year of global anguish, I believe 2012 will be the year of new opportunities and new beginnings.

  I dare not speak  over the things affecting you personally, for I do not know them  nor  do I wield any power  to speak  like that into  any body’s life, but I do encourage you to take  courage and to believe that 2012  is your year.  Your final destiny cannot be unveiled now, yet you can chose now to be its hero; but recall that success takes concerted effort.

  So, decide this year that 2012 is your year, work like it is your year, play like it is your year, love like it is your year,  and most of all, believe  it is your year. Abraham Lincoln (by the way, he was also born on 12th day of his birth month) once said:

“‘Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed, is more important than any other one thing.”’
Therefore,  I wish that  2012 is fully yours, that you are  its hero and that it goes down in history as having been a year of ‘new beginnings’ for you. Once again, Happy New Year.

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