God never forsakes man

Jan 31, 2010

EDITOR—Apparently, Malraux was right when he prophesied that the 21st century would either be religious or it would not be, faced with the modern godless future projected by Fukuyama.

EDITOR—Apparently, Malraux was right when he prophesied that the 21st century would either be religious or it would not be, faced with the modern godless future projected by Fukuyama.

In his book, God is Back, the Economist editor, J. Micklethwait, considers the return of God to societies and politics and the global surge of religion based on real data such as the increase in pilgrimages and adult Catholic confirmations on the old continent; religious controversies in news media; or the bountiful creation of church-houses all over China alongside rising church attendance.

It is true that God does not turn away from man, but rather consistently leans towards him to benefit him and show him the path to heaven for which he was created. It depends on man to accept God’s invitation to become ever more divine by rejecting his baser instincts with the help of God’s grace.

Eva N. Ferraz
Barcelona, Spain

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