How to handle his female close friend

Feb 05, 2010

WOULD you cope if your man had a woman for a best friend? According to Niringiye, rather than risking losing your marriage, you have to devise ways of coping with the situation. She gives the following tips:

WOULD you cope if your man had a woman for a best friend? According to Niringiye, rather than risking losing your marriage, you have to devise ways of coping with the situation. She gives the following tips:

 Seek ways to talk or interact with the other woman to get to know her. “Sometimes we harbour negative feelings based on suspicions, but all these can be cleared when you talk to this person.”

 Talk to your man and find out what binds him to his best friend. However, to achieve that, you must build your relationship with your man first and be able to deal with a third party later.

As a couple, you should spend time together, talk through your problems, resolve any conflict and know what makes each of you happy.

 After talking to your partner about how you feel, talk to the best friend, too, and if she is a genuine friend, she will withdraw if she realises she is causing trouble. She should also apologise for the problem she has caused.

 However, never use forceful means as she has known your man longer than you. Being forceful may ruin your reputation or may lead to the marriage breaking up or other complications.

 You can tactfully get rid of her by talking to her. If the two of you are on speaking terms, says Niringiye, you can be open and tell her what you have noticed about her friendship with your husband and let her know the dangers. Follow the identified dangers with some solutions.

 Seek audience with your man and his best friend and hold a casual discussion on the way forward for the three of you.

 Pray, entrusting the relationship to God and keep your dignity as a woman.

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