Christians tasked to join politics

Jul 02, 2010

THE Busoga diocesan secretary the Rev. Can. Sam Egesa has advised Christians to actively participate in politics saying it is the driving engine of society.

By George Bita

THE Busoga diocesan secretary the Rev. Can. Sam Egesa has advised Christians to actively participate in politics saying it is the driving engine of society.

While speaking at the Fathers Union Day for Busoga diocese held at Kaliro Church of Uganda in Kaliro town on Wednesday, Egesa said: “We should engage in voter registration exercises and contesting for political leadership positions because as Christians we are part of society.”

“Christians cannot say politics is a no-go area. How can you expect service delivery yet you are not ready to participate?” he asked.

Egesa argued that once Christians take up most political positions they would be better suited to put an end to chronic vices like corruption, embezzlement and human sacrifice.

The event brought together fathers wedded in Church from all districts in Busoga region and beyond.

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