She’ll ask lots of questions if she’s into you...

Jul 23, 2010

Most men complain that they do not understand women. So they read books, try to use logic and so many other tricks. The real secret is there are no books, no logic and no maps.

Most men complain that they do not understand women. So they read books, try to use logic and so many other tricks. The real secret is there are no books, no logic and no maps.

This is uncharted territory; no single map will lead you to your answers. It would be wiser to rely on instinct and observation. You also have to keep in mind that, what worked today, may not work tomorrow.

EDITH NAMUGANGA will be giving you a guided tour into this territory, so pay close attention.

The typical woman will ask several questions during a conversation, usually to get information and keep conversation going. After all, men like talking about themselves.

How can you tell if she is interested? She asks questions about everything, even trivia. She will then store all this information for future use. Important dates like birthdays, parents’ names, favorite food…everything.

“When I am interested in someone, I try to understand them. So I ask many questions to find out what they think about different topics,” Julie says. ”It helps to keep him talking.

it reveals a lot.”
If she is asking questions and paying attention while you speak, then you are safe.

But if she does not know your birthday, middle name and the number of siblings by your third date (even though you have told her before), you are in trouble.

“In most cases if I don’t care about a guy, I won’t ask questions.

It is a waste of my time,” Sheila confesses.

An interested woman can collect information faster than the police.

She observes every action and reaction, she will even discover things you don’t know about yourself.

Women may not be after the best looking package, but each has basic details they unconsciously look for as you talk and relate.

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