The problem is not selling meat but slaughtering animals

Jan 12, 2003

SIR — Its absurd that pastor Umar Mulinde who converted from Islam to Christianity has misled his ‘sheep’, that the Muslims’ claim to slauhgter animals is all about monopolising the meat industry.

SIR — Its absurd that pastor Umar Mulinde who converted from Islam to Christianity has misled his ‘sheep’, that the muslims’ claim to slauhgter animals is all about monopolising the meat industry.

It is not a taboo in Islam for a Muslim to buy meat from a non-muslim provided the animal was slaughterd by a Muslim. That is why there are many butcheries owned by non-Muslims but Muslims still buy meat from them.

No Muslim has ever asked for someone’s religious faith when, for example, buying fish or nsenene. Therefore, the problem is not selling meat but slaughtering animals for sale for public consumption. It is not true that Muslims are after monopolising the meat industry and the statement exposes ignorance about Islam.

Unless God creates a new planet for different religious adherents, we need to reach a compromise for a better and civilised co-existance.

Name withheld

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