I am well sensitised about HIV/AIDS

Mar 12, 2003

SIR — On February 24, the Monitor published an article which implicated me as planning to screen students of kadogo Polytechnic for HIV and throw out those found positive.

SIR — On February 24, the Monitor published an article which implicated me as planning to screen students of kadogo Polytechnic for HIV and throw out those found positive. The reporter who filed the story must have had a hidden motive. As a professional journalist he should always endeavour to report accurately. What I said is that the students must avoid sexual temptations and concentrate on their studies. After studies those who want sex should get right partners, test for HIV and thereafter marry without fear of AIDS. It is only then that we shall realise the benefits of educating them. This was the plea I made to the students not as a chief guest as reported in the article but as a community member who attended on the invitation of the headmaster.
I am very informed and aware of the ways in which HIV is spread and I know the official government policy on voluntary counselling and testing for HIV, which I support, contrary to the report in the Monitor. I therefore, on the basis of the above, like to restate that I did not state anything like what the Monitor reported. The reporter put words in my mouth in order to say what he wanted to. The impression the article gave was alarming about my institution and my person. the UPDF serves all Ugandans, whatever their health status.

Major Ndema
Kadogo Polytechnic

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