Change your attitude to the village!

Apr 18, 2003

SIR— I am now 20; but I have not heard positive assertions about villages and villagers. Whenever one does anything considered backward, he or she is considered a villager.

SIR— I am now 20; but I have not heard positive assertions about villages and villagers. Whenever one does anything considered backward, he or she is considered a villager. I wonder, however, whether villages are a hell on earth and residents there the worst people. And what disturbs me is the fact that all this is done in the name of modernity.
In schools and universities, it is the same story. I don’t know what the future holds for us in this underdeveloped Uganda that derives most of her living from agriculture. All the food we enjoy here in the city is from the village.
I think most of us, if not all, have a village link in our biography and even at the end of the road, burial is set to be in these areas.
Let’s change our bad attitude toward the village as it is “heaven on earth”.

Simon Peter Kibira
Makerere University

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