Yes, military uniform is decent and dignified!

Jul 28, 2003

SIR— I wish to answer the letter “Army uniform decent in House?” that appeared in your paper yesterday, on page 11.

SIR— I wish to answer the letter “Army uniform decent in House?” that appeared in your paper yesterday, on page 11.
The dress code for Members of Parliament, allows army representatives to wear military uniform in the House and considers it decent and dignified.
For other MPs, decent and dignified attire for males is:
a pair of trousers with a jacket, shirt and tie, a kanzu with jacket or a safari suit.
For lady MPs, a suit, a jacket, blouse and skirt, a dress or busuuti are dignified. All MPs have to wear dignified shoes.
A Member of Parliament with prior permission by the Speaker can put on footwear which may not necessarily be described as shoes.

Kagole Kivumbi
Senior Public Relations Officer Parliament

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