Buganda has no excuse crying about poverty!

Nov 14, 2003

SIR— Buganda Kingdom is looking for funds to see a number of development projects off the ground. One practice to date is through voluntary payments by individuals for different causes, (buying certificates of allegiance.

SIR— Buganda Kingdom is looking for funds to see a number of development projects off the ground. One practice to date is through voluntary payments by individuals for different causes, (buying certificates of allegiance.

It is appreciated that such efforts can generate money for the kingdom. However, the pace and impact of such funding may not help the kingdom overcome the numerous problems it finds itself in.

My opinion is that serious strategies ought to be made to see that what the kingdom owns mostly in form of land is put to maximum utility. There are markets which if re-developed can employ more people and hence undertake bigger business. The Kabaka’s Lubiri at Mengo should be developed into an ultra-modern city with the Kabaka's palace as part of the infrastructure.

With better utility put to land, chances are that the development efforts of the kingdom will be realised in a shorter time and the people in Buganda will end up cherishing the kingdom more when
feasible plans are implemented to see them in employment
and hence the betterment of their lives.

Willy Kituuka

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