Mozey, Radio engage uptown audience

Jul 20, 2009

MOZEY Radio and Weasel have moved thousands of fans since their first hit, Nakudata, at the beginning of last year. And that is the impact they still have on their audience, even in front of a corporate crowd.

By Gilbert Mwijuke

MOZEY Radio and Weasel have moved thousands of fans since their first hit, Nakudata, at the beginning of last year. And that is the impact they still have on their audience, even in front of a corporate crowd.

Their Golden Concert show at Theatre La Bonita last Saturday, attracted mainly an uptown audience that nearly filled up the venue. And the boys lived up to the billing. They drew many songs from last year’s successful album. They progressed from a splendid beginning to explode into a band that took the audience’s breath away. They performed 16 of their hits, including, Where You Are, their duet with Blu3 and Kiduula, their latest.

The night was spiced up by performances from support acts, including Diamond Oscar, Mr. X, Viboyo, Gift and GNL Zamba, who advertised his upcoming album launch concert.

The Goodlyfe Crew, especially Mozey, have been accused of depending on auto tune in most of their songs. So on Friday night, he took off some time to silence critics with a cappella of Nakutamani, with his vocals barely dropping.

The gig, however, lost out when they started ranting at their foes. But after a few jeers from the audience, they soon got their act right, performing more popular songs like Zuena, Bread & Butter and Nyambura, which concluded the show.

Robert Sekidde (Turf B), a presenter on NBS TV and CEO of Dolphin Entertainment organised the show.

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