Kalimi doesn’t know what he’s talking about

Oct 27, 2009

EDITOR—I write in response to the column by the Rev. John Kalimi regarding USAID and the Church of Uganda (COU) in the article “Church of Uganda not truthful in her stand against homosexuality”.

EDITOR—I write in response to the column by the Rev. John Kalimi regarding USAID and the Church of Uganda (COU) in the article “Church of Uganda not truthful in her stand against homosexuality”.

The entire article, published on October 24, hangs on a slender thread of fact: that Uganda Christian University, which is a Church of Uganda-founded institution, has received funding under the American Schools and Hospitals Abroad (ASHA) programme of USAID, including recent offers to support the construction of the Hamu Mukasa Library.

We at UCU are most grateful for the generous support from USAID, which has come with no such strings attached as Rev. Kalimi insinuates. USAID has no direct connection with The Episcopal Church (TEC) and its policies. In addition, the Church of Uganda has broken ties with TEC.

It is therefore utterly false to connect the dots between TEC and USAID and the Church of Uganda and UCU. Rev. Kalimi has no relationship to UCU or “Uganda Partners,” its support organisation in the USA. I would advise that he and the editors at the Monitor would check their facts before they draw unsupportable conclusions like this.
Rev. Prof. Stephen Noll
Vice Chancellor
Uganda Christian University

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