Should I continue taking septrin?

Feb 08, 2009

ALL drugs must be used rationally to meet a need. ARVs are used to stop the multiplication of HIV and allow the immune system to heal. We use them when the CD4 count drops to 250 cells and below.

Face HIV with Dr. Watiti

Dear Doctor,
I have been using septrin since I tested HIV-positive. Recently, my CD4 count was found to have dropped to 220 cells and I was advised to start taking ARVs. Do I have to continue taking septrin now that I am on ARVs? I hate drugs!


Dear Florence,
ALL drugs must be used rationally to meet a need. ARVs are used to stop the multiplication of HIV and allow the immune system to heal. We use them when the CD4 count drops to 250 cells and below.

CD4 cells are destroyed by HIV, making the victim vulnerable to attack by opportunistic infections. Septrin, on the other hand, is used to protect people living with HIV from opportunistic infections and malaria.

Since your CD4 count is still low, it is best for you to be on ARVs and septrin. Change your attitude towards the drugs because they are meant to improve the quality of your life.

Ensure that you do not take them all at the same time to make the process more tolerable.

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