ARVs are making me so uncomfortable

Mar 01, 2009

ONE of the goals of anti-retroviral therapy (ART) is to improve your quality of life. If the drugs have nasty side effects, then your quality of life is not good.

Face HIV with Dr. Watiti

Dear Doctor,
I was put on ARVs (Triomune) five years ago when my CD4 count was 25 cells/ml but my CD4 count never went beyond 80 cells/ml even after two years. I was then changed to secondline drugs. I was put on Alluvia, which I take two tablets twice a day, Tenofovir one tablet once a day and Didanosine two tablets once a day. I have greatly improved and now my CD4 count is 350 cells/ml. However, I have developed a burning sensation and numbness in my feet, making it difficult for me to wear shoes. What should be done to help me because I am uncomfortable?

Dear Joe,
ONE of the goals of anti-retroviral therapy (ART) is to improve your quality of life. If the drugs have nasty side effects, then your quality of life is not good.

Your problem is known as peripheral neuropathy which can be caused by either Stavudine which was part of the Triomune you were on before, or Didanosine which is part of your second-line drugs.

To limit this problem, reduce the dose of Didanosine from the two tablets, which should be 400milligrams to 200 milligrams or 250 milligrams especially if you weigh 60 kilograms or less.

Secondly, when didanosine is used together with Tenofovir, you need a lower dose of the former because of drug interactions. Reason why your regimen was changed and you should not be scared.

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