My CD4 count is so low, can I still have sex?

Apr 19, 2009

CD4 count is done to measure damage done to the immune system by HIV. When people’s CD4 counts are very low like yours, they develop serious opportunistic infections and so are very sick. <br>

Face HIV with Dr. Watiti

Dear Doctor,
I started taking ARVs two months ago when my CD4 count was 20 cells/ml. I have no problems with the drugs and I feel fine. I am a married woman and want to know how safe it is for one to have sex when one’s CD4 count is so low like mine. Please advise.

Dear Sarah,
CD4 count is done to measure damage done to the immune system by HIV. When people’s CD4 counts are very low like yours, they develop serious opportunistic infections and so are very sick.

But at times, people may have low CD4 counts and yet have no opportunistic infections at all. These people often feel fine and may want to have sex.

However, it is important that they are started on antiretrovirals so that their damaged immune systems are repaired.

So, as long as you feel fine and have disclosed your HIV status to your husband and are prepared to use condoms consistently and correctly, you can continue having sex.

Even if your husband is also HIV-positive, use condoms to avoid re-infection or unwanted pregnancy especially since your CD4 count is still very low.

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