Cooperative Union accused of corruption

Sep 18, 2007

PRIMARY cooperative societies affiliated to Kakumiro Cooperative Union located in Kibaale district have accused the union of being corrupt and lacking transparency.

By Ismael Kasooha

PRIMARY cooperative societies affiliated to Kakumiro Cooperative Union located in Kibaale district have accused the union of being corrupt and lacking transparency.

In a recent meeting chaired by the Bwanswa sub-county district councillor, Waswa Ndugwa, in Kakumiro town, the societies resolved that the union should stop carrying out any activities until a meeting is convened by its executive to iron out the differences.

The union is also accused of failing to notify its members of the payment it received from the Ministry of Justice.

It was alleged that Kakumiro got over sh307m as compensation for the resources it rendered the NRA/NRM government during the 1980-1986 bush war. The union first received sh150m, while sh157m was paid on May 14, 2007.

The union, formed in the 1930s, has 164 cooperative societies in district.

However, the union’s secretary, Christopher Nsubuga, said they received only sh97m, which they used to pay some creditors.

He promised to convene a meeting before the end of the year to discuss the issues.

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