Namagunga has no case to answer

Nov 11, 2007

EDITOR—I read with surprise a letter by an anonymous writer criticising Mt St Mary’s namagunga about its policy on short hair. The writer advises Namagunga to be “sensible”!

EDITOR—I read with surprise a letter by an anonymous writer criticising Mt St Mary’s namagunga about its policy on short hair. The writer advises Namagunga to be “sensible”!

First, I do not approve of such language from whoever is supporting a child in a school. She does not give a good example to the children. Secondly, schools have their rules as she rightly acknowledged, and if you break them, they use different methods to correct the offence.

The writer should have hailed Namagunga for finding an alternative barber near the school instead of sending the girl back home. In future the writer should be bold enough to take up such matters with the school instead of venting her anger in the press without disclosing her identity. I am sure the administrators would listen.

Charles Kasozi

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