My skin itches when I use cold water

Jan 06, 2008

FOR some unknown reason, some people react to water with itching. It may start with cold water, then also hot water. The itch is usually short-lived, but intense. In some cases it may be very uncomfortable.

Dear Dr,
My body itches every time I bathe with cold water in the mornings. Now I have resorted to using hot water, which does not bring about the same. Is there any treatment for such a condition?

Dear Martin,
FOR some unknown reason, some people react to water with itching. It may start with cold water, then also hot water. The itch is usually short-lived, but intense. In some cases it may be very uncomfortable.

Unfortunately, we do not have a long time cure for this problem. A doctor may prescribe antihistamines which you may take once a day. Alternatively, you may have to use hot water most of the time.

Dr Paul Semugoma
Write to Ask The Doctor,
P.O.Box 9815, Kampala

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