Alone on Valentines Day?

Feb 08, 2008

TRACY, 24, walked out of a relationship a month ago, Linda’s husband is travelling this weekend for two weeks and Stella, a sales executive, is simply single because she wants to be.

By Lydia Namubiru

TRACY, 24, walked out of a relationship a month ago, Linda’s husband is travelling this weekend for two weeks and Stella, a sales executive, is simply single because she wants to be.

Each of these ladies will be alone on Valentine’s Day! If there was a law forbidding discrimination against single persons, February the 14th would be the day for lawyers to make a kill.

On Valentine’s Day, you are either someone’s lover, wife, husband or a non-person. We are being offered discounts at hotel rooms, dinner, flowers but there is a catch: the password is ‘FOR TWO.’

Single ladies, do not sit at home and feel left out. Of course, I am not suggesting that you send yourself a valentines card, a bouquet of flowers and thereafter go out and eat that ‘dinner for two’ alone, just to prove that you are single and loving it.

Nevertheless, you too can spread some love. Valentine’s Day is about love not just lovers.

Begin with self. You love yourself, don’t you? Well, now go out and pamper yourself. Treat yourself to a new hair do, massage, manicure, facial or a shopping spree. Just show yourself some love by doing whatever it is that you consider luxurious and pampering.

Now that charity has been done at home, reach out to those people who make your life a joy.

That you are not part of a couple does not mean that you are not part of other loving relationships. Has your mother or father ever been taken out for a waited–on dinner? What about your 15-year-old sister who has never been out on a date?

Just call them up and give them one good treat. Of course there are other single girlfriends. “Me and all my friends are single,” Tracy says. “Perhaps we shall go out for a noisy night in a bar and just have fun,” she says. Well, if a noisy night does it for them, perhaps you and your single girlfriends could try that out.

Stella is calling the single girls to her place. If each one goes with a bottle of wine or a pack of beers, they will sit before the telly and talk all they like. “Catch up on what is going on in our lives, find out about those ones who are not single anymore and what their boyfriends are like,” she says.

Don’t you always love a long, uninterrupted chatty night with the girls?

Hey, in case you have forgotten, Thursday is a working day, so unless it makes you feel like you are in hiding, there is no reason why you do not just cheerfully work and later on go home and watch a movie like Linda will.

Thing is, Valentine’s Day does not have to suck simply because you are single.

Smile because this year round, you have no worries about which little dress to wear or what to tell your girlfriends in case he disappoints you.

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