The rainy season ends in May

Mar 12, 2008

According to weather experts, the rainy season ends in May. By this time, farmers should have planted seasonal crops like maize and beans. The crops will mature around June. It is the duty of local leaders to ensure that their people plant the crops in time. Here is how they can do it.

According to weather experts, the rainy season ends in May. By this time, farmers should have planted seasonal crops like maize and beans. The crops will mature around June. It is the duty of local leaders to ensure that their people plant the crops in time. Here is how they can do it.

- Call a village meeting and put the planting season top on the agenda.
- Let them know that planting the crops now will provide food security from June onwards.
- Ask them if they have enough seeds to plant and if they do not, report this to higher authorities like LC3s.
- Lead by example and plant the crops in your shamba.
- Make regular follow-up tours to ensure that farmers comply.

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