Crazy But True

Apr 02, 2008

<b>Shoplifter leaves son in mall</b><br>NETHERLANDS-A shoplifter looking to make a quick getaway after stealing a packet of meat, left a crucial piece of evidence — his 12-year-old son. The 45-year-old thief dashed to his car, leaving a son he had come to the supermarket with.

Shoplifter leaves son in mall
NETHERLANDS-A shoplifter looking to make a quick getaway after stealing a packet of meat, left a crucial piece of evidence — his 12-year-old son. The 45-year-old thief dashed to his car, leaving a son he had come to the supermarket with. Police managed to contact the thief via the boy, but he had refused to return and collect his son. The man referred the officers to the youngster’s mother instead. He later turned himself in.

Man flees rat half naked
GERMANY-A 23-year-old man fled his home half naked into the cold, snow-swept streets to escape a rat he found in his living room. He then dashed into a telephone booth to make an emergency call to police in the early morning hours. Police failed to track down the rat, but told the man it was safe to go home. He couldn’t. He decided to go to relatives instead.

Arm cut off waving at girls
AUSTRALIA-A man, 20, who waved out of a car window at two young women lost his arm after it was almost severed by another passing vehicle. As he put his arm out of a pick-up truck to wave at two women in a car wash, the driver made a right-hand turn and the man’s limb was struck and almost torn off by an oncoming four-wheel-drive. Doctors decided to amputate it.

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