Mystery date: Sammy Kakande and

Nov 21, 2008

I asked her if she’s married but she said she was single because men were liars. I asked her if she believed there was an exception. “There’s that possibility,” she answered.

Sammy Kakande
Star sign: Pisces
Where do you live? Mutungo
Occupation: Businessman
Interests: Watching football and listening to music
Favourite Film: The One I Love (Nigerian)
Music: Luganda music
What don’t people like about you?
I am always sincere
What do people find attractive about you: My beauty and principles
What would you love your mystery dream date to be?
Some one with true love

I asked her if she’s married but she said she was single because men were liars. I asked her if she believed there was an exception. “There’s that possibility,” she answered.

When I told her I could be one of those who are not liars, she asked,“Are you interested in an affair or marriage?” “I’m interested in marriage,” I replied to which she said she needed time.

I told her I once had a girlfriend who cheated on me despite pleasing her. I asked her to remain a friend as she considers my proposal.

Have you called her since then?
No. I was even meant to have met her over lunch today but I got too busy to remember the appointment.

Isn’t that lack of seriousness?
My job is more important because maintaining a relationship needs money.

How will you balance the two?
I’ll schedule appointments after work. I hope to send her a text tonight informing her that I’ll call her for a date tomorrow evening.

Ameria Nambala
Where do you live? Kabalagala
Occupation: Film Actress
Interests: Watching movies and swimming
Favourite Film: My Love (Nigerian)
Music: Band music
What do people find attractive about you? My hips
What would you love your mystery dream date be? Handsome, serious and with American height
What excites you? Watching comedy

Sammy arrived after I had had my dinner. When he asked me to share with him his food, I accepted. I told him I had to study him first when he said he had fallen for me.

“How much time do you need?” he asked. “It will depend on how quickly I get to know you well,” I replied. “It can be a week or a month because some men are liars.”

“I like your bum and hips.”
I told him it was okay and his character would determine my response.

He promised to take me to his parents to prove he was serious. When he said he wanted an answer that evening, I requested for his phone number to call him later with the answer.

“But how will you know my behaviour when we’re not living together?” he asked. “I’ll just see the number of calls and gifts I’ll receive,” I answered.

“You’re a very hard woman.” “It’s not being hard but most men tell lies, so we’ve learnt to be sceptical,” I defended myself.

How can you tell a serious guy?
It depends on several aspects; for example he can show he cares by calling me at 6 o’clock in the morning. That way I can tell he was thinking of me the previous night.

And a serious woman?
It works both ways. You can’t take a full day without calling or sending a text to somebody you love.

Has he called you?
No, he hasn’t. A woman should not be the first to call even if she has fallen for him. He should initiate the dialogue and I’ll follow suit.
Interview by Ben Okiror

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