Imagine Sir Isaac Newton’s mother had aborted him

Apr 03, 2007

<b>Charles Sendegeya</b><br><br>I write in response to Hugh Moeketsi’s opinion titled “Is abortion murder?” which was published in The New Vision of March 2.

Charles Sendegeya

I write in response to Hugh Moeketsi’s opinion titled “Is abortion murder?” which was published in The New Vision of March 2.

Advocates of abortion claim that the foetus is not a human being but a set of tissues. If the foetus is not a human being, neither is a newly born baby a human being since both depend on the mother for their survival. Expelling a month-old foetus from the mother’s womb is therefore not different from killing a month-old baby after birth.

Although an unborn child is totally dependent on the mother for survival, it has its own separate existence as a human being. Scientists have shown that each cell of a foetus has its own distinct genetic codes different from those of the parents.

From the fifth week an unborn child has its own distinct fingerprints, blood group and sex, among others, which indicates that the child is a separate being and not an extension of the mother. To kill this child is therefore murder. Being born is another way of continuing existence, not the beginning of life. Life begins a second after conception.

Moeketsi insists that abortion is not murder because there is no express malice on the part of the mother. But do you know who you are going to abort? Sir Isaac Newton’s birth took place in England on a cold Christmas Day. He was sick, born premature, and everyone around him thought he was going to die. His father had died two months earlier, and his mother was having a hard time running the farm and looking after her new baby. And a war was raging around them. Some people think it would have been easier for Newton’s mother if she had aborted him. But his mother wouldn’t consider it. And just as well for the world. Isaac grew up to be a scientific genius.

Isaac Newton is the one who discovered the law of gravitation. He revolutionised mathematics by developing calculus. He improved the telescope. He became famous for his work in physics, mathematics, and astronomy. With all the troubles in this country, we cannot afford to abort our future Newtons.

Abortion is the killing of the most defenceless human beings by taking away their most basic human right: the right to life.

The writer teaches ethics at the Faculty of Technology, Makerere University

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