I get headache after jogging

Jun 16, 2007

Dear Doctor,<br>I am 17 years old. I always have a headache after jogging. A health worker told me that it was due to lack of water in the body. Is that the case? I want to keep jogging to keep fit.<br>James

Dear Doctor,
I am 17 years old. I always have a headache after jogging. A health worker told me that it was due to lack of water in the body. Is that the case? I want to keep jogging to keep fit.

Dear James,
When you do an exercise like jogging, you sweat a lot. The sweat contains lots of water and some salt.

Because of this, you become dehydrated, which brings about the headache. Jogging is a very good exercise which you should continue with, but to prevent dehydration, make sure that you take sufficient salt in your daily meals and drink plenty of water.

You should also drink fluids immediately after jogging. Remember to increase the amount of jogging gradually and not a lot at a time.

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