Fake churches a reflection of our society

Jul 15, 2007

EDITOR— I wish to comment on Mr Edward Mutabazi’s letter “Watch those churches” published on Friday.

EDITOR— I wish to comment on Mr Edward Mutabazi’s letter “Watch those churches” published on Friday.

In analysing the church situation, it is important for us not to look at where we have fallen but where we have slipped.

While the bulk of the blame is put on the dubious churches and pastors, I strongly believe that the fake churches and religions in general merely reflect Ugandan society.

In Uganda, the hardest thing to come by is an honest soul! Most people are so pretentious and selfish and the few honest ones, navigate through life with curiosity, openness and vulnerability but often meet with disaster!

This disillusionment, caused by fellow countrymen, drives people straight into the arms of religious predators.

Ugandans need to stop agonising about what the fake churches have done to our people because to be truly honest, we have created these situations ourselves through our daily interactions with our fellow men.

The song kiwani gives a clearer picture of our society today. I suggest that as Ugandans especially those in ‘glass houses’ should refrain from casting stones and instead focus on evaluating the consequences of our behaviour on others.

We should strive for right conduct towards others because only then will people objectively seek religion and thus avoid possible exploitation because this is where we have constantly slipped.

Emily Ekra, Kampala

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