I want to gain more weight

Dec 30, 2007

TO determine the correct weight for a person, doctors use a formula called the Body Mass Index (BMI). It is your weight (wt) in kg, divided by the square of your height (ht) in metres. (BMI = Wt / Ht squared.)

Dear Doctor,

People comment on how skinny I am and this worries me. One time I was 60kg, but I lost weight to 46kg after a relationship went sour four years ago. I am desperate to put on more weight!

Dear Dorothy,
What is your height?
TO determine the correct weight for a person, doctors use a formula called the Body Mass Index (BMI). It is your weight (wt) in kg, divided by the square of your height (ht) in metres. (BMI = Wt / Ht squared.)

Your BMI should be between 18 and 25. If it is over 25, you need to lose weight. If it is lower than 18, then you need to gain some weight to be healthy. You can be thin with a normal weight, meaning that you do not need to gain any more. Being too fat causes medical problems, as does being too thin.

If your BMI is less than 18, you should see your doctor or a dietician to work out a diet which can help you gain weight. This is possible.

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