Otunnu is a shameless liar

Jan 25, 2006

SIR — Mr. Olara Otunnu’s unorthodox views and accounts about the situation in Uganda, make one sick. They contain a vivid ethnic overtone, malice and calumny, coupled with arrogance and hypocrisy.

SIR — Mr. Olara Otunnu’s unorthodox views and accounts about the situation in Uganda, make one sick. They contain a vivid ethnic overtone, malice and calumny, coupled with arrogance and hypocrisy. The erstwhile United Nation’s special representative for children and armed conflicts, mysteriously retired and last year was awarded the 2005 Sydney Peace Prize.
During his tenure in this noble international organisation, Otunnu, had on many occasions used his position to orchestrate his gospel of hate against the NRM government and the UPDF. He fed the international community with falsehoods that the Uganda government was committing genocide and infecting the people in Acholiland with Aids. This Ugandan, turned son of Ivory Coast and ardent critic of the Uganda government, deliberately makes no substantial mention of LRA’s havoc and atrocities and the miseries the people in northern Uganda, especially the children whom he professes to defend, have endured.
He once claimed to have been a member of a resistance group against Idi Amin.
One wonders how he could have been one of the liberators, when he and others were part of a political circus and sidekick of a paranoid regime, which brought political chaos to Uganda. Irony of ironies Otunnu is a very learned man but his inner and deep-rooted ethnic ego betrays his intellectual credentials.
Behind the façade of diplomacy and smile and his beautiful voice Otunnu is a dangerous enemy of the Ugandan society, a society that has left behind the old political dogmas by learning a lot during the 20 years of NRM governance with its anti-sectarian creed.

William Asaba Abwooli
Stockholm, Sweden

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