City Beat, Mesach and fans

Mar 12, 2006

BEFORE Thursday, very few people knew where Copa Cabana Bar and Restaurant was. But after the <i>City Beat</i> ‘Meet Mesach Semakula’ party held there on Thursday night, a lot of people will start looking for it, tucked away as it is off Naalya road.

BEFORE Thursday, very few people knew where Copa Cabana Bar and Restaurant was. But after the City Beat ‘Meet Mesach Semakula’ party held there on Thursday night, a lot of people will start looking for it, tucked away as it is off Naalya road.

This was the fourth City Beat ‘Meet Your Favourite Artist’ promotion, others were with BLU*3, Juliana Kanyomozi and the Top 30 Artists.

It did not matter that the fans were typical Ugandans and did not keep time, except for two of them. It also did not matter that last year’s Artist of the Year had another engagement that night, the one hour that he spent with the 10 lucky winners will forever stay in the minds of everybody that was there.

And they had the best of him. Getting him to sing and autograph CDs of his latest release, First Aid' was the best thing that happened to most fans. One female fan, Maria Mbabazi, couldn’t believe she was before Semakula and poured out her heart; “You are the sexiest man alive. I have kept myself for you,” she blurted on the microphone.
Mbabazi was the only disappointed fan. Semakula politely turned her requests down. She sought solace in beer.
Another female fan, Phiona Namuwonge from Nkumba University, rushed through an exam just to meet Semakula.

Patrick Otibok, a driver with Top Cuts, was the luckiest winner. Earlier on, he won an Italian wedding suit worth sh800,000 courtesy of Bride & Groom magazine then din ed with Juliana Kanyomozi courtesy of City Beat. The Editor, Kalungi Kabuye, said the party could only get bigger and better, “Who knows, perhaps next time, you will have Sean Paul or Shaggy singing for you. Only time will tell,” he said.

And so the party began and the perfect climax was when the host, Steven Kitamirike, led the winners and other revellers in an exclusive karaoke session of Mesach Semakula’s songs. Even after he left, the party continued.

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