MP advises Kabarole on farming

Aug 29, 2006

THE practice of growing food crops instead of cash crops has contributed to poverty in Kabarole district, Burahya MP Stephen Kagwera has said.

By Bizimungu Kisakye

THE practice of growing food crops instead of cash crops has contributed to poverty in Kabarole district, Burahya MP Stephen Kagwera has said.

He said most families in Kabarole were largely cultivating crops for their homes and did not have the surplus that would be sold in markets to generate income.

He was addressing sub-county chairpersons, district officials and residents on Friday at Karambi sub-county headquarters on how they could move out of poverty.

Kagwera called upon leaders in the district and at sub- county level to put in more effort to sensitise the people on ways through which they could fight poverty.

He said some residents opted to do casual jobs like wheelbarrow pushing in urban centres, leaving large chunks of land unused in the villages, that could be used to grow crops for sale.

Kagwera, however, appealed to his colleagues to desist from telling people about poverty without giving them alternative means to come out of it and urged people to make use of the Fort Portal-Kampala road to transport the produce.

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