Anybody can be disabled at anytime anywhere!

Oct 30, 2006

SIR — It is unfortunate that most people in our society have the same negative attitude towards the disabled.

SIR — It is unfortunate that most people in our society have the same negative attitude towards the disabled.

Disability is caused by many agents. Many people get disabled as a result of road accidents while others are disabled by diseases. Others are even disabled before birth. People do not get disabled out of their free will and disability can come at any age and to anybody.

If disability were a crime, the disabled would plead guilty! I request the public in a country like Uganda with its Christian background to be sensitive to the plight of the disabled.

It is common for the disabled to be referred to in terms of their misfortunes! For example a lame man is referred to as Kalema while one with a crooked arm is called Kakono.

A blind person is baptised Kihimbara!
This is grossly insensitive and unbecoming in a civilised society.

As I have pointed out, anybody in this world is a potential victim of disability.
People should always remember that it is the ability that counts but not disability.


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